Saturday, 25 December 2010

Macarons malfunction..

The past 2 days I have been stuck in my kitchen trying to bake decent macarons. For those of you hoping for a recipe here, let me save you some time, there's not going to be one. I baked and baked, going from one recipe to the next, but each one just seems worst than the last. I have gone through bags of sugar, a couple dozen eggs and about a kg in almond meals, only to end up with hundreds of crippled macarons (It actually reminded me of this dream I had once, but instead of macarons it was babies, well out of order, I tell you) I probably shouldn't post these pictures and save myself the embarrassment, but what can I say, I'm a masochist like that.

1. My first batch, off to a good start, if I do say so myself.
2. Nodded off for 15 minutes before waking up to this. My bad.
3. Really thought I had it with that batch. 

Although my experience with macarons is somewhat limited to the handful of times I actually had them, I'm pretty sure, texture wise, I'm almost there. It's just no matter what I do, I could not get them feet people are always talking about. sigh.

I'd say this though, at least they tasted alright, and lucky for me, not a lot of my friends are familiar with this particular confectionery so they welcomed my handi-capable mutant macarons with open arms when  these arrived on their doorstep. 

I probably would still be baking macarons if it weren't for the fact that today is christmas eve and there are hungry family members to be fed. More on that tomorrow though. Right now I am slowly falling into a food-induced-coma and my fingers are going numb from all the sugar and cream and sugasr amnd creamn.


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