Well, it's raining at the moment so it's been a pretty cool afternoon. The kind of afternoon I love, the kind of afternoon that makes my stomach yearn for a cup of hot tea and warm toasts.
There is hardly a recipe here, just strawberries on toast topped with a spoonful of honey. So simple but so good. It's my new go-to food for tea and my current obsession. All I do is think about stuff I could put on toast and that list is pretty extensive I tell you. and I don't even have a toaster. I toast all my bread on my pan. My non-stick pan is godsend.
I like my toast to be really crunchy (otherwise what's the point, it'll just be bread) and this one is made of really good whole wheat bread.
Strawberries, chopped into bite-size pieces. Now, strawberries is just one of those things that for some reason, I always have in the fridge. I am incapable of passing fresh strawberries at the supermarket and not getting them. It's out of my control.
Strawberries go on the toast, and yes, that's the top half of a grape you're seeing. Grapes are probably too sweet to combine with honey, but one or two (as I've done here) couldn't hurt, plus they look all kinds of gorgeous so what the hell.
Spoonful of honey on top is plenty, trust me. The only problem I had with this toast is as soon as I took a bite, I know this one toast would not suffice.
I had this with a hot cup of green tea on a rainy sunday afternoon and it totally made my day. Just one of those afternoon that your brain took a mental picture of and all subsequent sunday afternoons are measured against. It was that good.
In fact, I'm going to go and make another one now. Then I'm going to enjoy it while I sit by my window, gazing out at the rain not feeling the least bit guilty of this slight act of voyeurism (albeit, as I read somewhere, less creepy and with a dose of humanity) or of the fact that finals are this coming monday and I haven't done diddly-squat.
peace out.
wow this looks really good jons
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